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| Palace Hotel Bussaco - Mesa Real Restaurant

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Palace Hotel Bussaco's Mesa Real Restaurant

Enjoy your meal!

Mesa Real Restaurant

At the beautiful Mesa Real Restaurant, former royal banquet hall that once host historic banquets , decorated with ten huge paintings of Camões´Os Lusiadas’, depicting scenes of Vasco da Gama's voyage to India, and under a magnificent Moorish ceiling, you will indulgence with fine modern Portuguese terroir cuisine mastered by prominent Chef Nélson Mateus, who proposes a most authentic and creative gastronomical tour of the best local flavors.

A large selection of old Portuguese wines is also available, with a highlight on the Bussaco Wine, the legendary specialty mis-en-bouteille-au-château since 1920, considered a world-class wine -with its marvelous old aging legendary reds, drinkable from 1945 onwards, and exceptional whites, starting by an astonishing 1944 harvest. So, if you are lucky, you can probably still find a vintage from your birth year.

An ideal setting for a most romantic getaway or a leisurely meal is the outdoor veranda, under a stone vaulted roof, with rounded arches and tracery, and overlooking the formal garden with the lake and the overwhelming slope with its giant trees.

  • Schedules

  • From 8am to 9:30pm